Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what animal would you like to be? (Brian at Aldea)

Tuesday afternoon was English class which was kind of hectic. I had the translations for the questions that had been made the previous day and asked everyone to pick one question they wanted to learn.

I ended up getting sidetracked with the question, “What animal would you like to be?” and teaching the game King of the Jungle to everyone. We played the game with some really shy kids who wouldn’t participate ‘til peer pressured to do so.

After that we had Art with all the little kids ages 8 and up. A few of the kids from English class stayed to help with Art and I rewarded them with candy for doing so. I ended up drawing for a few of the kids. One picture was a Superman drawing and the other a Spiderman drawing. They loved it and everyone wanted one, which makes me think. These kids would LOVE coloring books! For now though, why not find some drawings online and print them out? I downloaded some drawings and hope they’ll suffice for art this week! Art is so fun! Everyone wants to draw and play and colors get all over the place! It’s a good thing they’re washable.