Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quick First Note from Tanner (Aldea)

(note: we have a new round of interns both at the Aldea and El Bichito...their stories are great...stay tuned!)

i´m having the most amazing summer ever!

I was very nervous at first coming to the aldea but the kids made all of my fears go away. On the car ride to the orphanage we picked up Jennifer and the first thing she did when i got in the car was give me a hug. That is the general feeling in all the kids, they are just so loving. My first few hours in the aldea i was pushing some of the kids on the swings in the playground and was really thirsty and i asked one of the kids, maunuel, where to get drinks and he took my hand and took me to one of the casas to get water. Manuel is definetly one of my favorites.
sorry there is not a lot in this email, i´lll do better next week
