Friday, September 17, 2010

Enrique in Porcon (Mike and Natalie)

Enrique came to La Granja Porcón for a few days to learn how to weave fabric out of wool.  One day while we were down at El Bichito, he told us he was interested in learning in the artesanía (craft) shop, and so we arranged it for him to come up.  He arrived on Tuesday, July 27th, and worked and played in Porcón until the morning of Saturday, the 31st of July. He weaved on the loom in the mornings and early afternoons, and then had the rest of the day to relax.  Elena, the woman in charge of the artesanía, said that he was a fast learner.  He picked it up very quickly, and had almost finished making an entire handbag by the time he left on Saturday.  He had the chance to go to the zoo, go to the trout farm, go on hikes, and participate in our English Club classes at the local school.  He became friends with the kids in our classes and had a great time with them. One of his favorite things to do (as with all 12-year-old boys) was stand by the river and try to skip rocks across it.  He had a great time, and didn’t want to leave on Saturday when the time came.  He said that he may want to work as an artisan some day, but he’s still not sure yet.  This was a good experience for Enrique.