Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4 more days (Dan)


¿Como estan ustedes?  Tengo solamente 4 dias mas en Banos del Inca!

It´s really crazy how fast time flies... It feels like I just got here to Cajamarca and the kids in Puylucana.  Tomorrow is my last day at El Bichito, and I´m getting a little party set up.  Basically I´m going to have some bingo so they can work on vocabulary and some balloons and a few goodies.  It´ll be typically chaotic with 40+ kids as per the usual, but lots of fun.  It´s been lots of fun lately there as I
have gotten more comfortable with the kids and they with me.  It really does take some time, but I´ll be sad to miss them.  Also, I´ve occasionally brought out the frisbee I brought and the kids are having
a blast.  Wiliam is particularly good, and others like kevin and Manuel are decent too.  The older boys still won´t stick around much, but a couple have.

Allie and Izzy, the two girls from Project Trust who I was with in the Aldea in Trujillo, came up to
visit and see Cajamarca with a few other girls from other sites in Peru.  I showed them around banos and the hot springs, and finally got the chance to see Granje Porcon, a beautiful valley about 30 minutes away I had not yet seen.  It is a small valley that has a trout farm and also a cool zoo.  I got a chance to see a spectackled bear!  Yeah, the only bear in South America.

Anyway, my time here in Peru is rapidly coming to a close and a list of the things quickly that I know I´ll miss...

Getting crammed into combis
The amazing Cajamarca cheese and ¨pan de agua¨
Toilets without seats
cheap public transportation
trying to get these kids to bring and finish their homework without cheating
Random rain starting out of nowhere (oh wait, I live in Seattle, nothing really weird there)
All of the amazing friendships I´ve made, more than I can list here...
really, it´s amazing how many amazing people I´ve met
Included are the kids at both the Aldea and El bichito... I´ve never
wanted to smile and go crazy so much in my life

Entonces, I´ll be leaving my Peruvian home soon, and I´m already feeling homesick...